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abort() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.Pathfinder
Aborts the running pathfinding process.
ABORTED - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
The pathfinding process was aborted
accept(T) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util.ParameterizedSupplier
Applies this supplier to the given argument.
add(double, double, double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition by adding the given values to the coordinates of this position.
add(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition by adding the components of the given vector to the coordinates of this position.
add(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector by adding another vector to this vector.
async(boolean) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder


build() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
builder() - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration


canEqual(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
canEqual(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
canEqual(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
cleanup() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilter
Cleans up the resources used during the pathfinding process.
cleanup() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
Performs cleanup operations on all filters within the stage.
clone() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
clone() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
computeDistance(PathVector, PathVector, PathVector) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Computes the distance between a point and a line segment.
create(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Creates a new HeuristicWeights instance with the specified weights.
createPathfinder(PathfinderConfiguration) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory.PathfinderFactory
Creates a new Pathfinder instance with the given configuration.
createPathfinder(PathfinderConfiguration, PathfinderInitializer) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory.PathfinderFactory
Creates a new Pathfinder instance with the given configuration and initializer.


de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.annotation - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.annotation
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.filters - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.filters
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util
de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper - package de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
deepCopy(PathfinderConfiguration) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
Creates a deep copy of the given PathfinderConfiguration.
Depth - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
Represents the depth of a pathfinding node or element.
DIRECT_PATH_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Provides a set of weights strongly prioritizing the shortest direct path, even if diagonally.
distance(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Calculates the Euclidean distance between this position and another position.
distance(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Calculates the Euclidean distance between this vector and another vector.
distanceSquared(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Calculates the squared distance between this position and another position.
divide(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector by dividing this vector by a scalar value.
dot(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Calculates the dot product of this vector and another vector.


EnvironmentHeight - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
Represents the height range of an environment with defined minimum and maximum bounds.
EnvironmentHeight(int, int) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.EnvironmentHeight
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfindingContext
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Experimental - Annotation Type in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.annotation
Marks an API as experimental.


FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
The Path wasn't found, either it reached its max search depth or it couldn't find more positions
fallback(boolean) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Signifies that the pathfinder fell back during the pathfinding attempt
filter(PathValidationContext) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.filters.PassablePathFilter
filter(PathValidationContext) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilter
Evaluates the given PathValidationContext to determine if the path is valid.
filter(PathValidationContext) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
Applies all filters within this stage to the provided PathValidationContext.
findPath(PathPosition, PathPosition, List<PathFilter>) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.Pathfinder
Tries to find a Path between the two PathPosition's provided with the given filters.
findPath(PathPosition, PathPosition, List<PathFilter>, List<PathFilterStage>) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.Pathfinder
Tries to find a Path between the two PathPosition's provided with the given filter-containers.
floor() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition with the same environment, but with the coordinates floored to the nearest integer values.
FOUND - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
The Path was successfully found


getAbsoluteStart() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
The absolute start position of the pathfinding process.
getAbsoluteTarget() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
The absolute target position of the pathfinding process.
getCrossProduct(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Calculates the cross product of this vector and another vector.
getDepth() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfindingContext
getDirectionalPenaltyWeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Returns the weight applied to the directional penalty component of the heuristic.
getEnd() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Returns the target position of the path
getFilters() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
Returns an immutable set of the filters currently in this stage.
getFlooredX() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the x-coordinate of the block this position is located in.
getFlooredY() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the y-coordinate of the block this position is located in.
getFlooredZ() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the z-coordinate of the block this position is located in.
getHeightWeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Returns the weight applied to the height difference (elevation change) component of the heuristic.
getHeuristicWeights() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
getManhattanWeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Returns the weight applied to the Manhattan distance component of the heuristic.
getMaxHeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.EnvironmentHeight
getMaxHeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
Get the max height of this environment.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
getMaxLength() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
getMinHeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.EnvironmentHeight
getMinHeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
Get the min height of this environment.
getName() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
Get the name of this environment.
getNavigationPoint(PathPosition) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider.NavigationPointProvider
Gets the navigation point at the given position.
getNavigationPointProvider() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
The NavigationPointProvider provides access to world data, such as positional information, in the context of the pathfinding process.
getOctileWeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Returns the weight applied to the Octile distance component of the heuristic.
getParent() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
The parent position of the current position.
getPath() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathfinderResult
Returns the found Path regardless if successful or not.
getPathEnvironment() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the environment this position belongs to.
getPathState() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathfinderResult
Returns the state of the pathfinding.
getPerpendicularWeight() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Returns the weight applied to the perpendicular distance component of the heuristic.
getPosition() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
The current position being evaluated in the pathfinding process.
getProvider() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
getStart() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Returns the start position of the path
getUuid() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
Get the unique identifier of this environment.
getValue() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
getX() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the x-coordinate of this position.
getX() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Returns the x-component of this vector.
getY() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the y-coordinate of this position.
getY() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Returns the y-component of this vector.
getZ() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Returns the z-coordinate of this position.
getZ() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Returns the z-component of this vector.


hasFailed() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathfinderResult
Whether the pathfinder has failed to reach its target.
hasFallenBack() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathfinderResult
Whether a pathfinder has resulted in a fallback.
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfindingContext
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
hashCode() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
heuristicWeights(HeuristicWeights) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
HeuristicWeights - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration
Represents a set of weights used to calculate a heuristic for the A* pathfinding algorithm.


increment() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
Increments the depth value by one.
initialize(Pathfinder, PathfinderConfiguration) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory.PathfinderInitializer
Initializes the given Pathfinder with the given PathfinderConfiguration.
INITIALLY_FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Pathing failed to start, typically due to an invalid start or end position.
interpolate(double) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Interpolates the positions of this Path to a new Path with the given resolution.
interpolate(double, double, double) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util.NumberUtils
Interpolates between two values based on the given progress.
interpolate(PathPosition, double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Interpolates between this position and another position based on a given progress value.
isAsync() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
isFallback() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
isInSameBlock(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Checks if this position and another position are within the same block in the environment.
isTraversable() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider.NavigationPoint
Returns whether the position is traversable or not.


join(Path) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Joins this Path with the given Path.


length() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
The length of the Path compiled from the number of positions
length() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Calculates the length (magnitude) of this vector.
LENGTH_LIMITED - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Signifies that the pathfinder reached its length limit


manhattanDistance(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Calculates the Manhattan distance between this position and another position.
MAX_ITERATIONS_REACHED - Enum constant in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Signifies that the pathfinder reached its iteration limit
maxIterations(int) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
maxLength(int) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
mid() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition with the same environment, but with the coordinates set to the center of the block they are in.
midPoint(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Calculates the midpoint between this position and another position.
multiply(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector by multiplying this vector by a scalar value.
mutatePositions(ParameterizedSupplier<PathPosition>) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Mutates each of the positions in the path with the given consumer


NATURAL_PATH_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
Provides a set of default heuristic weights that may be suitable for natural pathfinding.
NavigationPoint - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider
Represents information about a position in the pathfinding environment.
NavigationPointProvider - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.provider
The NavigationPointProvider interface defines methods for retrieving navigation point data at specific positions within a 3D environment.
normalize() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector by normalizing this vector.
NumberUtils - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util
Utility class for common number operations.


octileDistance(PathPosition) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Calculates the Octile distance between this position and another position.
of(int) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.Depth
onPathfindingStep(PathfindingContext) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfinderHook
Called on each step of the pathfinding process.


ParameterizedSupplier<T> - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util
A functional interface representing a supplier that accepts a parameter and returns a result.
PassablePathFilter - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.filters
A PathFilter implementation that determines if a path is traversable.
PassablePathFilter() - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.filters.PassablePathFilter
Path - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result
A Path is a sequence of positions that represents a path through a 3D space.
PathEnvironment - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
Represents the environment in which pathfinding operations take place.
PathEnvironment(UUID, String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
Constructs a PathEnvironment with the specified attributes.
PathFilter - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter
A PathFilter is a functional interface that allows customization of the pathfinding process within the Pathfinder.
PathFilterStage - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter
A stage for processing a collection of PathFilter instances.
PathFilterStage(PathFilter...) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
Constructs a PathFilterStage with an initial set of filters.
Pathfinder - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing
A Pathfinder is a class that can find a path between two positions while following a given set of rules.
PathfinderConfiguration - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration
Defines a set of configurable parameters that govern the behavior of the A* pathfinding algorithm.
PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration
PathfinderFactory - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory
A factory interface for creating Pathfinder instances.
PathfinderHook - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook
Interface for hooks that are called during the pathfinding process.
PathfinderInitializer - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.factory
An interface for initializing Pathfinder instances.
PathfinderResult - Interface in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result
The result of a pathfinding operation.
PathfindingContext - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook
Context for the current step of the pathfinding process.
PathfindingContext(Depth) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfindingContext
PathPosition - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
Represents a position within a PathEnvironment.
PathPosition(PathEnvironment, double, double, double) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Constructs a PathPosition with the specified environment and coordinates.
PathState - Enum in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result
The state of a finished pathfinding process.
PathValidationContext - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter
PathValidationContext is a data container used during the pathfinding process to provide relevant contextual information needed for evaluating path validity.
PathValidationContext(PathPosition, PathPosition, PathPosition, PathPosition, NavigationPointProvider) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
PathVector - Class in de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper
Represents a 3D vector within a pathfinding context.
PathVector(double, double, double) - Constructor for class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Constructs a PathVector with the specified x, y, and z components.
provider(NavigationPointProvider) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder


registerPathfindingHook(PathfinderHook) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.Pathfinder
Registers a PathfinderHook that will be called on every step of the pathfinding process.


setX(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition with the same environment and coordinates as this one, but with the x-coordinate set to the given value.
setX(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector with the same y and z components as this vector, but with the x-component set to the given value.
setY(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition with the same environment and coordinates as this one, but with the y-coordinate set to the given value.
setY(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector with the same x and z components as this vector, but with the y-component set to the given value.
setZ(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition with the same environment and coordinates as this one, but with the z-coordinate set to the given value.
setZ(double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector with the same x and y components as this vector, but with the z-component set to the given value.
simplify(double) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Simplifies the path by removing intermediate positions based on the given epsilon value.
sqrt(double) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util.NumberUtils
Computes the square root of the given value using an approximation method.
square(double) - Static method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.util.NumberUtils
Squares the given value.
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition by subtracting the given values from the coordinates of this position.
subtract(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathPosition by subtracting the components of the given vector from the coordinates of this position.
subtract(PathVector) - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathVector
Creates a new PathVector by subtracting another vector from this vector.
successful() - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathfinderResult
Returns whether the pathfinding was successful.


toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.HeuristicWeights
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.configuration.PathfinderConfiguration
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathFilterStage
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.filter.PathValidationContext
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.hook.PathfindingContext
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathEnvironment
toString() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
toVector() - Method in class de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.wrapper.PathPosition
Creates a new PathVector from the coordinates of this position.
trim(int) - Method in interface de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.Path
Trims this Path to the given length.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.metaphoriker.pathetic.api.pathing.result.PathState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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